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  • Can I submit online?
    Yes! In fact, it's the preferred method for you to submit through our Be Discovered tab on our home page and under our contact list. The form allows us to have all of the information we need to evaluate you accordingly and keep it organized and all in the same place.
  • Do I need professional Images to apply for representation?
    You do not need professional photos to apply! Sometimes that blank canvas is just as exciting as someone who has an extensive resume/portfolio. What we recommend in this situation is taking images against a solid backdrop with a solid black or white shirt and jeans. No need to glam up - little to no makeup is preferred. Try to stay away from filters and super retouched images.
  • Will I receive confirmation that the agency received my submission?
    No. We receive too many submission to be able to contact you individually when we receive them. You will only receive a response if we're interested in setting up an interview with our agents.
  • Do I have to pay to apply/be represented?
    There are no fees associated with applying to the agency. We only take a commission of gross earnings when we book you on a job!
  • What should I expect in terms of time commitment?
    In this business flexibility and availability is everything. This is not a job that will provide you with a set schedule. We have many jobs that provide 24 hrs or less notice for auditions, bookings, etc. There is no way to measure how much time you will need to devote since every talents journey is different but your ability to be accommodating will be key!
  • Does the agency pay for my professional pictures?
    No. Our talent are responsible for paying for their pictures and portfolio updates. However, we will provide you with list of reputable photographers across the Bay Area upon our official offer of representation. There will also be chances to update your portfolio with test shoots that we facilitate - this isn't a guarantee as test shoots don't come along every day.
  • Why do you need my measurements?
    Your measurements help us evaluate your potential across the board! In our Print and Fit Divisions, sometimes measurements are key to booking the job. Our Fit Division - which is solely based on sizes - is constantly looking for new bodies so if you're interested in truly being considered Across the Board, make sure you take care when providing this information through our Be Discovered page.
  • What paperwork do I need if my child is under 18?
    It is a requirement in California that all children under the age of 18 obtain a work permit. Minors will not be permitted to work without one and must have it renewed every six months. The agency must have a copy of the permit on file in order to continue submitting your child. Every child must be in good health and must maintain a grade point of C or higher to be eligible. Please be sure to obtain a California Entertainment Work Permit for children under the age of 18.
  • What is a Coogan Account?
    According to California State Law, all parents whose children work in the entertainment industry are required to open a Coogan account. It is mandatory that parents put 15% or their child’s gross earnings into this bank account where it will essentially be the separate property of the child rather than that of the parents. Parents cannot touch the money without a court order or until the child is eighteen. This law was passed in 2000 as a result of Jackie Coogan and other prior child stars whose parents had unlawfully spent all of their earnings. Please note that MDT would not be in charge of depositing any money into your child's account - this is something you have to do on behalf of your child.
  • Does MDT have an Internship program?
    MDT is always open to reviewing your information for a possible internship. Our prerequisites are as follows: Currently attending a College or University in San Francisco Willing to commit to and be available for one semester or summer. Strong organizational, time management, and computer/office skills Great phone personality and terrific people skills Please note that we are NOT looking for individuals who are looking for representation with our agency. We hope that the internship will give those individuals considering a career working in a talent agency a good overview of how a well run agency does it right. Additionally, we would like to see our interns come away from this experience with a greater understanding and respect for our industry. Be sure to email, if you're interested.
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